You Can Have Everything You Want

Believe it Can Happen

Every one of us has suffered something and the difference between those who rise from the ashes, and those who continue to struggle, is belief. Do you believe things can get better? That you are worthy of something better?

A year ago today I was packing to leave Sedona, destination somewhat unknown. I was embarking on an entirely new journey and I, quite frankly, was not excited about it because I had moved too many times. Uprooted too many times before. Everything I had wanted had been shattered just a few months prior, and I felt directionless.

My reprise in Sedona was meant to be relaxing, and a place to birth my book. Instead I experienced an unhinged neighbor who had guns (and a key to the house I was renting), a sick dog, and other unfortunate circumstances.

A year ago.

Today, I am sitting on the couch now made famous in my new startup’s YouTube videos, in an apartment I turned into a sanctuary, surrounded by an incredible community who looks out for me.

Just yesterday a neighbor-turned-friend left me this card, wine, and flowers: a triad of good things. This morning, my other neighbor Andrew, an institution on Commonwealth Ave stopped to chat with me about how we just have a few more weeks until all the Red Sox fans go away and we get the streets back to the “backbayers.” I realized I’m considered part of that, and it felt like I actually created a home.

It all started with believing I could.

Birthday card from Paulo, believing in yourself
Believe in yourself!

Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

I believe that everything we want is on the other side of something uncomfortable.

I also do not think uncomfortable is a negative word. My definition for it means growth and change.

Whether it’s the discipline of working out, hiking up a mountain, moving across country, or starting a new business, all good things require a period of discomfort.

I’ve often said that I can tell with one indicator, whether someone would be a good entrepreneur: it’s whether you can take a step towards discomfort.

Pick up the phone to make a call you really do not want to make
Work 10 weekends in a row
Drive 8 hours a day with a sick dog to make it to the other side of something hopeful…

Do you chose that?

Or do you chose complacency?

I Asked For a Sign

Maddy, my Co-founder for my startup, RĂªve Health, and I went to Vermont to celebrate my 51st birthday.

We launched the second of our 3 programs for the company on September 17th, and my birthday was the 19th.

Anyone who has launched anything knows what that actually means (a lot of work!!!), and by the time we got to Vermont I was exhausted. I wanted a sign that we were on the right path, that this is the direction of my life, and that all the people we are currently helping, and the promise of helping so many more, is worth the sacrifice of all my nights, days, and weekends.

Maddy said, what would show you it’s possible? And I said something outrageous, something I actually didn’t think was possible.

“I want to see an owl during the day.”

We were driving to meet a friend and we both noticed this really cool stone shop. We knew we needed to backtrack and turn around.

We went in and saw, an owl. During the day.

We saw an owl in vermont after I asked for a sign
We saw an owl in Vermont after I asked for a sign. Don’t stop believing!

Lots of Signs

It gets even better. At the restaurant we were meeting my friend, I saw this painting: of owls.

I saw a total of 3 owls.

During the day.

How about them owls?

Believing You Can

I’ll let you in on a not-so-secret.

I believe I can have it all, in my 50s and beyond.

To get married, to have a family, to have a successful new startup doing what I love.

To be healthy.

To look and feel younger.

I’ve been working on reversing my biological age for the past 2 years, since I had my abdominal myomectomy which left a huge scar and required me to take months off work. (not to mention the 7+ years I suffered because doctors told me nothing was wrong with me…and I should wait out my symptoms until menopause–still not in menopause fyi).

I decided last year that I was going to get my biological age down to mid-thirties, and I was able to do that. I have to work at it but I’ve perfected the process and the ingredients for success include:

Taking regular time off to hike in the woods and regulate my nervous system
Organic food and drink–nothing processed, EVER
Daily exercise, alternating between hiking, sprint training, pilates, strength training, and walking my dog
Air filters to detoxify
Having a purpose
Believing in myself and believing in the possibilities

We know that optimism is directly linked to healthspan and lifespan, and it turns out it actually is the key to quality of life. It’s a lot easier to be optimistic when you look and feel good but it’s all intertwined. We can teach ourselves to be optimistic, while working on optimizing our bodies and physical health.

New Beginnings

I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness and fulfill their dreams.

Even when things are not perfect, it helps to know it is temporary.

There’s quite a few things I truly wish were different.

I don’t love being out of a partnership. I’m so grateful for my friends and family, but I just love being in love. It’s tough because I’m such a Type A that I need, as someone I know likes to say, a “G.” I would actually like a family and I’m just that side of eccentric to believe it’s possible for me ;).

I wish more of my friends and family believed in my company and were members. It’s so amazing to have strangers believing in us but I can’t help but feel a massive sense of disappointment at people I thought were friends just…not even following the new business on socials, or worse, envious and doing things like unfollowing me or sending snide remarks about everything we are doing wrong.

But that’s how I know they stopped believing.

When you’re trapped in a world where you think you cannot change your circumstances it’s infuriating to see others defying the possibilities.

It’s a choice.

You have the choice at any moment in any day to take the first step.

To know you’ve got to get uncomfortable for a while, and embrace it! To believe you are worthy and capable of anything.

If you have the idea, it is because God planted it in you at some point. God, the universe, source, whatever it is you believe in believes in you back. Trust that you can do what is in your heart to do.

I believe in you! Do you believe in you?

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