Join my Brownie Bites Newsletter

My Brownie Bites newsletter contains nuggets of wisdom to help you live your best life! Published once a month.

Julie eElaine Brown red dress

Reinvigorate Your Life

Are you ready to change your life at midlife? Now is the time to reclaim YOU.
Brownie Bites is right for you if:

1. 👉You want to THRIVE and want tips on looking and feeling your best with diet, exercise, andsmindset
2. 👉You’re looking to reverse age and increase your healthspan with lifestyle as medicine
3. 👉You’re looking to find and fulfill your purpose and a “North Star” to guide your focus
4. 👉You want help advocating for your needs at the doctor’s, at your job, or anywhere you are not being heard
5. 👉You want exclusive V.I.P. access to women’s wellness retreats, programs, and masterclasses

I’m here to help. 🙂 It starts with subscribing to Brownie Bites today!

Want to know what you’re signing up for?

Check out my past newsletters so you can see what to expect.

Brownie Bites first newsletter, gaslighting, hysteria and hysterectomies
My first Brownie Bites newsletter on gaslighting, and benefits of vitamin d.
Brownie Bites newsletter nutrition edition
The Brownie Bites newsletter nutrition edition with BTS at a longevity nutrition event, pegan diets to relieve hot flashes and more
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