Rêve Health Has Launched

Why Rêve Health

We launched Rêve Health last Sunday, July 29, 2024, and I’m so excited to help as many women as possible live their best lives.

Rêve Health blends science and nature to help you live well, retain your youth, and balance hormones from preconception to longevity.

While we aren’t going to be everything for everyone, Maddy and I worked to bridge the gap with women’s health, hormonal imbalance, and optimizing our abilities to conceive (and possibly extend fertility)!

Believe it or not, many of the symptoms causing PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, fibroids, perimenopause symptoms, and more have the same root causes (or similar) in Functional Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

And, many of these issues are caused by hormonal imbalances, toxicity, and our lifestyles. Rêve Health was created to help women heal holistically with a blend of science and nature.

We built the company we needed.

Some of What Rêve Health Does

Yeah, this looks like a consultancy slide. I’m over doing that, but sometimes it’s useful. 😉


Ensure a healthier you, to create an ideal environment for pregnancy.

Hormonal Balance

Understand your hormone panel to see imbalances, including stress levels.


Exploring any endocrine disruptors, which interfere with your body’s hormones, cycles and ovaries.


Helping women take their health to the next level by optimizing biomarkers.

Trying to Conceive

Optimize your ability to conceive by boosting your overall health.

Overall Health

Explain root causes for fatigue, insomnia, restlessness, and more by looking at the right tests.

How it Started

So, yeah, we launched Rêve Health and I’m a different person than I was last week.

First, let’s talk about how I told a lot of people I’d never ever ever ever ever do a startup again, I was going to write books and live in the woods or in the South of France, or be a professor, or go back to school and get a PhD. Or, well, lots of things.

But CEO of another startup was not on the list.

Until it was.
Here’s how you know you are a founder…

You see a problem with something, or, you need something, and it does not exist.

Instead of complaining about it or wishing it exists…you build it.

So my Co-Founder Maddy and I built it.

I wrote a blog about how it only took 30 days (some disclaimers there about how it was a month for the initial very beta version ;))

When Maddy and I met, we were both creating companies to help women with their health.

I was focused on perimenopause–the rollercoaster of hormonal transition to menopause that can last upward of ten years, as well as longevity and extending fertility.

Maddy was focused on helping women create optimal health for preconception and helping women experiencing infertility.

We decided to bridge the gap and address the root causes of many issues women face.

It was co-founder at first sight, especially when we realized we had the same core values and philosophies for how we live our lives.

You should see the outtakes 😉 We will post them on Instagram.

Why We Are Different

Rêve Health was formed because we couldn’t find another company aligned with our values. So we created it.

Actually, let me get very real for a moment here.

There were other companies out there testing biomarkers that pissed me off.

I got “personalized” recommendations from one company that were very clearly written by AI. Maybe a doctor at some point looked them over, but nothing was personalized to me.


I’ve been a vegetarian or vegan or pegan or pescatarian for longer than Maddy has been alive.

So, I do not eat meat and it was really annoying to see those recommendations. (Note; I have no issue with people who eat wild boar, heck, a few of my exes hunt wild boar, but it is not my thing).

And it gets worse.

Nobody was looking at my exercise, or sleep, or stress levels, or the biohacky things I do. So some of my recommendations said “exercise more.”


Alright, I’ll stop yelling. But you can see what caused a bit of a fire in me.

Julie Elaine Brown a week after the launch of Rêve Health. I am tired but so grateful!

Human Connection and Community

Our philosophy is rooted in 3 core principles:

1) Regular biomarker testing to track cellular health
2) Lifestyle changes to impact epigenetic response
3) Authentic guidance, connection, and community

Rêve Health is the only women’s health company I know of that’s created by women, for women, with the ability to learn in community.

We are the only company I know of that addresses biomarkers from a holistic perspective with a team of wellness coaches who look at relationships, environment, stress, sleep, diet, and exercise before we give recommendations.

We actually look at the full picture of you, and our intake form gets into your life and lifestyle. That’s how we are able to deliver truly personalized recommendations.

I mean…shouldn’t that stuff be basic?? We would call it “table stakes” in consulting.

But, nope.

Listen I could go on and on about it, but I encourage you to check it out.

We are doing something very different over here, and only Maddy and I have our story.

There’s been an incredible response so far.

Thank you thank you Foundation Protocol Members and Lifestyle Members!

I encourage my friends, family, and the people you love to check us out on the Website, and our Instagram.

We are just getting started…but so many great things in store.



Our inaugural Q&A on the Rêve Health community was incredible. We discussed hormonal imbalance, balancing blood sugar, boosting metabolism during perimenopause, and more.

Use the code friends for 20% our Foundation Protocol. Prices will go up September 1, 2024 so act fast to get our early access pricing.

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